Prior to couponing, Smith's Marketplace was probably the last place in town I would have gone for my grocery shopping. However, now I go there ALL the time for several reasons!
1. They have FREE child care for 1 hour while you shop! This is for children at least age 2 (I'm not sure if there's an upper age limit). The "teacher" gives them an activity to do, if they want to, or they can play with toys or watch a movie. They have a fairly secure system of checking the children in an out, and make them use hand sanitizer before they can enter the play area. No adults are allowed in the play area, so you have to make sure your children will go in by themselves; you can't go in with them then leave once they're comfortable. Children must also go to the bathroom before entering the play area, since they can't leave till you come to get them. Also, and this is a big one for my 2-year-old, no pacifiers or bottles or food or drinks of any kind.
2. Smith's Marketplace is a great place for 1-stop shopping. You can go there to get your gardening supplies, shoes, dresses, toys, car care supplies, storage totes, bath towels, groceries, and more! Check out some of this weeks deals!
B1G1 (Buy One Get One) FREE Fabric Drawers
B1G1 FREE Circuit Cartridges
B1G1 FREE Barbi & various other toys and games
B1G1 FREE Dining Chairs and Stools! (I might have to get a couple stools!)
B1G1 FREE Photo Frames
B1G1 FREE Movies
I highly suggest viewing their complete ad
here. Most of their B1G1 FREE deals are listed on page 5 and 8. By the way, just in case you're not great at math, B1G1 free means you're getting the item for 50% off when you buy in multiples of 2!
3. Smith's Marketplace, just like Smith's, has some AWESOME grocery deals! Check out these deals running right now!
Buy any 4 participating General Mills items and receive a $4 CatalinaValid through 6/13/10
(Note: A catalina is a coupon that prints out at the register that you can use just like cash on your next shopping order!)
Buy 4 General Mills cereals, $1.99 each- Use two $1.50/2 coupons from here
- Pay $4.96 OOP (out of pocket)
- Receive a $4 catalina, valid on your next order
- Final price: $0.96, or $0.24 a box!
Buy 4 Wheaties Fuel cereals for $1.99 each- Use two (use 4, if you have access to more than one computer, and this deal will be even better!) $1/1 coupons from Facebook here
- Use two .75/1 coupons from 5/2 SS
- Load this .75/1 Smith's e-coupon on your Smith's Fresh Values card {will only be taken off once!}
- Load this .75/1 Shortcuts coupon on your Smith's Fresh Values card {will only be taken off once!}
- Pay $2.96 OOP
- Receive a $4 catalina back!
- Final price: FREE plus a $1.06 money maker!
Buy any 4 Nabisco 100-calorie packs and receive a $3 Catalina(Valid through 5/16)
Purchase 4 Nabisco 100-calorie packs, $2.50 each - Subtotal: $10
- Use two BOGO coupons from here (on Facebook)
- Pay $5 OOP
- Receive a $3 catalina, valid on your next purchase
- Final price: $2, or .50 each box!
All of these grocery deals are also available at Smith's!
Utah Deal Diva, for help with the catalinas and coupon match-ups!