Get a $25 gift certificate to Manadarin Garden Restaurant for just $6.25 from City Deals! Here's how:
- Click this link to get to City Deals. This should take you directly to the Mandarain Garden Restaurant offer.
- On the right hand column, it will show 3 available offers. The first is for a $25 gift certificate for $12.50. Make sure the quantity says "1" and add to cart. Only 1 of this particular offer is allowed per household.
- Click the orange "Check Out" box at the top right hand corner of the page.
- In the middle there's a box that says, "Do you have a gift or promotional code?" Type in NOWANDLATER and click submit. The screen should refresh itself and show a discount of $1.25.
- Now in that same promotional code box, type SUMMERFUN. The screen should refresh itself again and show another discount of $5!
- Your total should now be $6.25. Click the orange "Check Out" box at the bottom right of the page and finish checking out.
$25.00 Gift certificate to Manadarin Garden Restaurant
-$12.50 special offer
-$1.25 NOWANDLATER code
-$5.00 SUMMERFUN code.
$6.25 Total!
$18.75 SAVINGS of 75%!
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