KrazyCouponLady does a great job of matching coupons at Smiths. Check out her post for this week! The title of her post says week of 12/13, but it is actually for this week!
My FAVORITE deal is the Hunt's Pasta Sauce: a case of 12 for $9.39! That's only $0.79 a can! I don't know about you, but my family uses a lot of pasta sauce! Plus, you can sweeten this deal even further by playing this Recession Payback game to get printable coupons! I had enough coupons the other day that I -was able to get 2 cases for $10.78, only $0.45 a can!
You can also do the Recession Payback to get printable coupons for Manwich, which are on sale for 10/$10. The coupons are for $1/3, making them just $0.67 a can!
Another awesome deal is the Danon Yogurt. If you have coupons from the 1/10 or 12/6 Sunday papers, you can get the 4 or 6 packs of yogurt for just $0.88!
You can also get Pillsbury Crescent Rolls for less just $0.50 with printable coupons!
Also be sure to read KrazyCouponLady's post about current catalina's at Smith's.
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